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This letter summarizes recent tax developments and tax planning opportunities; however, we recommend that you consult with an expert before embarking on any of the suggestions contained in this letter, which are appropriate to your own specific requirements.

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June 2024 Newsletter

The Liberal government’s Budget of April 16, 2024 ( has committed billions of dollars to support building new housing…

June 2024 Newsletter

Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) auditors have significant power to demand information from taxpayers…

June 2024 Newsletter

Spousal support payments are normally deductible if they meet certain conditions, such as being required under a Court Order or written separation agreement…

June 2024 Newsletter

Are you in a business or profession where you charge disbursements or expenses to your clients? If so, you need to understand how to treat the GST and HST…

June 2024 Newsletter

Do you make donations to charities located in the United States? They may be eligible for a tax credit on your Canadian tax return in one of several ways…

June 2024 Newsletter

The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has various weapons at its disposal when trying to collect money from a person who has a tax debt, whether income tax or GST/HST…

June 2024 Newsletter

Caring for foster children was taxable

Paragraph 81(1)(h) of the Income Tax Act provides an exemption for social assistance payments made through a government program for foster care of children on one’s home…

May 2024 Newsletter

What happens for tax purposes if you leave your job — voluntarily or by being terminated — and your employer pays you money

May 2024 Newsletter

Under the Income Tax Act, interest expense can be deducted from business income or property income if certain conditions are satisfied:

May 2024 Newsletter

Do you ever want to look up and read legislation (passed by Parliament or a provincial legislature), or Court cases that you have read about, whether in this newsletter or elsewhere? Here is a useful and free Web site to know about:

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