
Accessibility commitment

As outlined in its Accessibility Policy, Marcil Lavallée is committed to providing equal treatment to people with disabilities with respect to the use and benefit of the organisations’ services, programs, goods, facilities and information.

This commitment extends to clients, and employees with visible or non-visible disabilities.

Feedback and disability-related service inquiries

Clients and visitors are invited to provide disability-related feedback on the accessibility of the goods, services and facilities they receive or use at Marcil Lavallée.

They can also make service inquiries:

Accessibility Policy

Declaration of organizational commitment

The firm is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for disabled people. We are committed to treating disabled people in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in inclusion and are committed to meeting the needs of disabled people in a timely manner. We strive to remove and prevent barriers to accessibility while meeting our accessibility requirements as stipulated in the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws.

Service animals

We permit disabled clients to bring their service animals with them. Service animals are allowed in the areas of our facility that are open to the public.

Support persons

Support persons are authorized to accompany disabled people in our establishment.

Notice of temporary disruption

In the event of an expected or unexpected disruption in access to facilities or services for disabled clients, Marcil Lavallée will inform its clientele as soon as possible. This notice will be clearly communicated and will indicate the reason for the disruption, its expected duration and any alternative solutions, if applicable.

The notice of disruption will be communicated to clientele verbally, in the presence of the client, or by email or telephone.


We are committed to providing employees and volunteers with accessibility legislation training, as well as training covering the disability aspects of the Ontario Human Rights Code.

Accessibility training will be tailored according to employees’ positions.

Information and communications

We will take into account individual disabilities when communicating with disabled people. We will provide information about our organization and its services upon request, in accessible formats or through communication aids.

We will also comply with the website requirements described in the internationally recognized Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 (Level AA), in accordance with Ontario’s accessibility legislation.


We will advise employees, potential employees, and members of the public that we can implement accommodation measures during the recruitment and hiring process.

We will advise employees that we offer support measures for disabled people. We will implement a process to develop individualized accommodation plans for employees.

If necessary, we will provide individualized information on emergency measures or plans to assist disabled employees during an emergency situation.

Our performance management and development procedures will take into account the accessibility needs of all employees.

Modification of existing policies

We will change or eliminate existing policies that do not respect or value the dignity and independence of disabled people.

Feedback process

Marcil Lavallée welcomes feedback on how we provide accessible customer service. Customer feedback will help us identify barriers and respond to concerns.

Customers who also wish to provide feedback on the way Marcil Lavallée provides services or facilities to people with disabilities are also encouraged to do so.

All feedback, including complaints, will be handled using the following process:

  • clients can communicate directly with our human resources professionals by calling our office at 613-745-8387;
  • clients can also communicate using our Feedback system on our website built for that purpose;

Marcil Lavallée is committed to acknowledge reception of the feedback within 2 working days.

Normally, Marcil Lavallée will be able to follow-up on the feedback within 3 working days after the said acknowledgement.

Marcil Lavallée will make sure our feedback process is accessible to people with disabilities.

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